The Price of the Free Market
It seem like we are all paying more for our free market these days. Regulations and taxes, and now tariffs add to the cost of everything. And now you want a gallon of gas to include the cost of carbon?
It’s also not fair that I have to sell a wedding cake to that weirdo who wants to marry their cat. I’m sorry. I just want to be free to live my life my way, the free market way, with a healthy amount of Capitalism and a representative democracy that upholds the Constitution.
The funny thing is that I recognize the irony that Make America Great Again did not win the popular vote. Thank goodness for that. I don’t need no city dwellers telling me to compost my dinner scraps. I pay my garbage bill and will fill the land as I please. This is God’s country.
Of course it’s getting harder to pay my garbage bill what with work being scarce. They say unemployment is low but Wal*Mart doesn’t pay what the Chevy plant paid. Those foreigners work so cheep, how can we compete. It ain’t fair. Tariffs should help but it’s a little late. The damage is done. Our kind has to stick together and use what we have: Guns, Guts, and Common Sense.
Life expectancy in the US is declining. That may be true. But if the rich keep on getting richer then those are the spoils of the free Market. And if there’s only two cell phone options in my area, well that’s capitalism at work to ensure enough profits for investors, right? There’s just no other god given way without paying for all the hippies to have abortions, and that just aint right.
But if I had my druthers, I’d make sure there was competition to keep prices low and the free market healthy. Those corporate fat cats just divvy up the market and suddenly it’s not so free anymore. Maybe the price of a free market is some way to ensure the market is free and not bottled up in someone’s back pocket. Seems to me there are anti trust laws on the books. But there I go talking like some smooth city slicker communist type. Best to stay in my lane and do what Fox & Friends tells me.